John Aaron Gorman

John Gorman, my grandfather, passed away on Saturday (12.14.2024).

John Gorman was kind, calm, and incredibly driven. He was a son, brother, cousin, friend, golfer, student, husband, lawyer, dad, uncle, judge, grandpa, great grandpa, and much more. Not only did my grandfather claim all of these titles, he did them as well as any human could and I’m so grateful to have learned from him.

“What does a good life look like?” is a question I ponder often and my Grandpa John’s life is a prime example. He had three incredible daughters, seven grandchildren, two great grandchildren, and was married to my grandmother for 60 years. 60 years...

He worked incredibly hard to become a lawyer, circuit court judge, and then magistrate judge in the federal district court for Central Illinois.

When I played baseball at Illinois Central College in 2017 & 2018, I had dinner with my grandparents every Wednesday and Sunday evening. Every week, my Grandpa John would tell me how proud he was of me. As an 18 or 19-year-old, I can’t begin to explain how much of an impact that had on me as I gained confidence and found a true sense of self. A few weeks ago, I went to see my Grandpa John as his health deteriorated and he was kind as he always was. He held my hand and would wear a smile when I told him I loved him.

This article was written in 2014, but is a great overview of who my Grandpa John was. Thanks for reading today - I really appreciate it.